In Patch 30.6, Bob’s restocking the Tavern with even more Trinkets, new and returning minions, and more! Check out the new inventory, including our first-ever Duos-specific Trinkets, coming soon.
New Lesser Trinkets
Deathly Phylactery [4 Gold]
- Discover a Deathrattle minion. Your first Deathrattle each combat triggers an extra time.
Goose Portrait [3 Gold]
- Get a ‘Silver Goose’. After you summon 5 Silver Fledglings, get a Goldenizer.
Electromagnetic Device [2 Gold]
- Discover a Magnetic minion. Whenever you Magnetize a minion, give it +2/+2.
Fungalmancer Sticker [2 Gold]
- After you sell 5 minions, get a random Murloc.
Marine Signet [3 Gold]
- After you play 4 minions, get a random Tier 1 Tavern spell and upgrade this.
Bleeding Heart [4 Gold]
- Avenge (6): Summon and get a random Undead.
Tickatus Sticker [4 Gold]
- Discover a Tier 3 Darkmoon Prize. At the start of every 3 turns, repeat this.
Reflective Pendant [4 Gold]
- Get a plain copy of a minion you control. At the start of each turn, repeat this.
Bartend-o-Tron's Oilcan [2 Gold]
- At the start of your turn, reduce the Cost of upgrading the Tavern by (3).
Burgling Claw [2 Gold]
- At the start of your turn, get a plain copy of the highest Tier minion in your last opponent’s warband.
Mystery Cube [3 Gold]
- Choose from 2 new Lesser Trinkets to replace this for free. At the start of each turn, repeat this.
- Dev Comment: “New” in this case just means not the current Trinket (as opposed to thinking of these mid-season Trinkets as a separate pool of “New Trinkets”).
Common Thread [4 Gold, Duos Only]
- Pass a copy of the first card you buy each turn.
Summoning Sphere [4 Gold, Duos Only]
- Start of Combat: Summon a copy of your teammate’s highest Health minion.
Charm of Generosity [4 Gold, Duos Only]
- After your team Passes, give your minions +2 Attack.
Bottle Sticker [3 Gold, Duos Only]
- Get a ‘Portal in a Bottle’. At the start of each turn, get another.
Orc-estra Portrait [3 Gold, Duos Only]
- Get an ‘Orc-estra Conductor’. At the start of each turn, get another.
Investment Contract [4 Gold, Duos Only]
- After you Pass, reduce the Cost of upgrading the Tavern by (1).
Empowered Mirror [3 Gold, Duos Only]
- Become a copy of your teammate’s Lesser Trinket.
New Greater Trinkets
The Eye of Sargeras [6 Gold]
- Every fourth card you buy costs Health instead of Gold.
Promo Portrait [4 Gold]
- Get a ‘Prized Promo Drake’. Your first Start of Combat effect each combat triggers an extra time.
Surprise Portrait [4 Gold]
- Get an ‘Elemental of Surprise’. (More appear when you least expect them...)
Mecha-Jaraxxus Sticker [3 Gold]
- Get 2 random Magnetic Mecha-Demons. At the start of each turn, get 2 more.
Primalfin Portrait [3 Gold]
- Get a ‘Primalfin Lookout’. Whenever you Discover a minion, get a random Tavern spell.
Nazjatar Postcard [4 Gold]
- After you play a non-Naga minion, get a random Spellcraft spell.
Precious Pearl [3 Gold]
- Spellcraft: Give a minion +30/+30 until next turn.
Flagbearer Portrait [3 Gold]
- Get a ‘Sky Pirate Flagbearer’. Your Sky Pirates have +8 Attack.
Surveyor Portrait [2 Gold]
- Get a ‘Hot-Air Surveyor’. At the start of each turn, get 3 Blood Gems.
Manipulator Portrait [1 Gold]
- Get a Faceless Manipulator.
Redeemer Portrait [6 Gold]
- Get a ‘Nalaa the Redeemer’. Tavern spells cost (1) less.
Cho’gall Sticker [5 Gold, Duos Only]
- Whenever your team plays a Golden minion, both you and your teammate get a Triple Reward.
Magic Road Sign [3 Gold, Duos Only]
- After you sell your first minion each turn, Pass it.
Moveout Box [10 Gold, Duos Only]
- Skip this turn. At the end of it, replace your warband with a copy of your teammate’s.
Empowered Mirror [3 Gold, Duos Only]
- Become a copy of your Teammate’s Greater Trinket.
New Minions
Karmic Chameleon (Tier 5, Beast)
- 5/8. Avenge (5): Transform into a copy if the minion to the left of this.
Archimonde (Tier 4, Demon)
- 4/5. After your hero takes damage, rewind it and reduce the Cost of your next Tavern spell by (1).
Smoldering Gardener (Tier 3, Dragon)
- 1/5. When you sell this, get a 2/1 Smolderwing with “Battlecry: Give a Dragon +5 Attack.”
Parched Wanderer (Tier 2, Murloc)
- 2/2. Battlecry: Give a Murloc +2/+3 and Taunt.
Slippery Slider (Tier 4, Naga)
- 4/5. Spellcraft: Refresh the Tavern with two extra Tavern spells that cost (1) less.
Putrid Pupil (Tier 3, Undead)
- 1/7. After you summon 7 minions in combat, get a random Tavern spell.
Mantid King (Tier 4, Duos Only)
- 3/3. After your team Passes, randomly gain Venomous, Taunt, or Divine Shield until next turn.
Card Pool Changes
- The following 11 cards are being removed from the minion pool: Barrens Brawler, Barrens Conjurer, Thorncaptain, Keyboard Igniter, Coldlight Seer, Spellbound Seafarer, Scarlet Skull, Xylo-bones, Silithid Burrower, Leapfrogger, and Kindly Grandmother.
- The following 13 cards are returning to the minion pool: Rendle the Mistermind, Witchwing Nestmatron, Tea Master Theotar, Corpse Refiner, Disco Shuffler,
Peckish Feldrake, Carbonic Copy, Annoy-o-Troupe, Salty Looter, Aggem Thorncurse, Colossus of the Sun, Mechanized Gift Horse, Manasaber and Bird Buddy. - Dreamer’s Embrace is being removed from the Tavern spell pool.
- Unmasked Identity is returning to the Tavern spell pool.
Minion Changes
Humming Bird (Tier 2, Beast)
- 0/4. Start of Combat: Your Beasts have +2 Attack this combat.
Salty Looter (Tier 5, Pirate)
- 1/1. Has +1/+1 for each Pirate you’ve summoned this game (wherever this is).
Aggem Thorncurse (Tier 6, Quilboar)
- 3/6. After a Blood Gem is played on this, play a Blood Gem on a different friendly minion of each type.
Colossus of the Sun (Tier 6, Undead)
- 8/8. Divine Shield. Reborn.
This is all coming to Bob’s Tavern in the Patch 30.6 mid-season update, coming soon!
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