The first official Ranked Play season is coming to Hearthstone starting on April 1, and we’ve got some exciting updates to share with you.
Now that Hearthstone has officially launched for the PC, the cards are on the table for you to become one of the world’s most Legendary Hearthstone players. Battle your favorite Heroes of Warcraft on the Ranked Play ladder to earn a beautiful Pandaria-themed card back that will only be available during the month of April.
These card backs replace the art decorating the reverse side of all your cards, and are a great way to show off your Hearthstone accomplishments. Add the Pandaria card back to your collection by hitting Rank 20 in Ranked Play mode. The Pandaria card back will be awarded to you at the end of April’s Ranked Play Season.
Don’t forget—the further you move up the Ranked Play ladder, the more bonus stars you’ll receive next season. In Ranked Play Season 1, you’ll receive bonus stars based on your performance from Test Season 4—one bonus star per rank you attained. For more details, check out our first mention of this feature in the last patch notes blog here.
If Rank 20 isn’t enough of a challenge, perhaps you can aim higher . . . and become a Hearthstone Legend. You can also get the “Legend” card back by achieving the Legend rank in Ranked Play. The Legend card back will be awarded to you as soon as you hit Legend rank in Ranked Play.
For those brave and dedicated enough to join the ranks of the Ranked Play Legends, be sure to give it your all each season because we’ve got more plans on the horizon. We’ll be inviting top Legend players to participate in a grand tournament later in the year to determine who will be the next world renowned Grandmaster of the Hearth. Invites will be based on performance across each Ranked Play season, so do your best! More details will be announced at a later date.
Craft a deck, take a seat in the tavern, and create some Panda-monium of your own with the first official Ranked Play Season, starting on April 1!