Watch the Collegiate Hearthstone Championship Live

Watch the Collegiate Hearthstone Championship Live

The Collegiate Hearthstone Championship has started, and soon you’ll be able to witness competitors from colleges across the continent battle for glory and a prize pool that includes $100,000 in scholarships.

Tune into the official Hearthstone Twitch channel tonight, Monday September 28 at 5:00 pm PDT, to watch the first Collegiate Hearthstone Championship matches to be streamed live. The stream will feature best of five matches between two of the top teams from each collegiate region in North America.

In tonight’s matches, we’ll see UC Berkeley vs the University of Nevada in the west, then University of Texas Austin and University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill duking it out down suth.  

Catch those games, and then follow all the action over the next seven weeks every Monday and Tuesday evening at 5:00 p.m. PDT. Mondays will feature teams from the South and West regions, while Tuesdays will showcase teams from the North and East, so be sure to raise a mug and cheer for your region’s champions!

See you in the Tavern!