The Fire Festival is back! This year, Ragnaros is throwing a house party in the Firelands. Everybody’s invited! The Fire Festival will last for three weeks, from July 6 at 10:00 AM PT to July 27 at 10:00 AM PT. Here are some of the activities you’ll be able to enjoy during that time, and some other fun stuff that’s on the horizon:
Legendary Quests
There will be 7 Legendary Fire Festival quests in addition to your normal daily quests. Complete one Legendary quest to unlock the next one! The first six quests will each reward you with a Year of the Phoenix pack, and the last quest will grant you a Druid of the Flame Malfurion Hero skin! These quests will only be granted until 10:00 AM PT on July 27, so don’t show up too late!
The Fire Festival Returns to its Roots!
July 7 – Ragnaros’ Fire Festival Tavern Brawl
Ragnaros has thought it over and decided that there’s nothing more Fire Festival than the Ragnaros’ Fire Festival tavern brawl. Construct a deck to face your opponent while Mini-Rag wreaks havoc on both players! You know, classic house party behavior. Feed Mini-Rag to charge up your emotes with festive fireworks!
July 14 – (Updated) Burndown Brawl
We’ve also updated the Burndown Brawl for a new take on another classic! This time, it’s The Duelist Burndown, and every deck borrows Treasures and a special Hero Power from Duels! Take control of a random deck and the loser of each game will be given their opponent’s deck for the next one. In the end, one deck will emerge as the most dominant of all!
More Fiery Looks with the Eternal Flame Bundle
Malfurion’s not the only one who has picked up a new look in the Firelands! The Eternal Flame Bundle offers the hot new Flamewalker Rexxar and Righteous Inferno Uther hero skins, as well as the Ragnaros card back and alternate Shaman hero! How handsome! The Eternal Flame Bundle will be available from July 6 to July 20, and is limited to one per account.
The Afterparty!
July 27 – The Party Continues with Battlegrounds Cosmetics!
Right after the Fire Festival ends, we’re moving the party over to Battlegrounds! The first-ever Battlegrounds cosmetics go live on July 27 with the Battlegrounds Bundle: Beach Party! The Beach Party includes beach party themed skins for seven different Battlegrounds heroes, as well as the Tikilord Ragnaros alternate Bartender. Tikilord Ragnaros includes a new portrait AND NEW VOICELINES FOR YOUR BATTLEGROUNDS BARTENDER! AMAZING!
Don’t let the party die! Or do. You can also pick up Battleground Heroes: Shadowlands for eight more Battlegrounds hero skins, based on Warcraft’s afterlife. Grab either set, or both, and personalize your Battlegrounds experience to whatever strikes your fancy.
Stay tuned for more Battlegrounds cosmetics, including more alternate Bartenders and more Hero skins, throughout the year!
Next Major Battlegrounds Update
Finally, looks aren’t the only thing being updated in Battlegrounds! In an upcoming content patch, Battlegrounds will get all-new heroes and undergo a major rework of all minion Types. We will be swapping out over 30 existing minions for new ones specifically designed to play off the core fantasy of that Type and re-emphasize how the Types play, giving the entire mode a massive refresh! For instance, Pirates will have a bigger emphasis on amassing Gold and treasure, with new cards like Briny Bootlegger and Nosy Looter.
Keep an eye out for more about the changes that will be coming to Battlegrounds as we get closer to the launch.
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