We have a legendary lineup this year as we prepare for the launch of Festival of Legends, just weeks away! The musicians are locking in their setlists, tuning their instruments, and practicing their choreography before the big day. There are plenty of ways for you to enjoy the pre-expansion festivities to close out this reveal season, including card reveals, theorycrafting, live music, and tons of drops!
Card Reveal Stream – March 30
The countdown begins with the Card Reveal Stream on March 30! Tune in to the official Hearthstone Twitch channel, starting at 10:00 a.m. (PT) to watch RegisKillbin, Game Designer Leo Robles Gonzalez, and Senior Game Designer Cora Georgiou reveal the last cards of the Festival of Legends and discuss how they orchestrated this expansion to hit all the right notes.
Twitch Drops will be enabled for this reveal stream, you can earn up to 2 Festival of Legends Packs for watching. Make sure you show up early and link your Twitch and Battle.net accounts for your watch time to award drops so you don’t miss the opening act!
Community Theorycrafting Streams – April 5-6
After all the cards have been revealed, join your favorite content creators as they rock the first jam sessions of the Festival of Legends! All participants will need to include 10 or more Festival of Legends cards in their decks (that can be 10 individual cards, 5 duplicates, or anything in between).
- Americas/EMEA players will pick one of two time slots on April 5, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (PT) or 3:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (PT)
- APAC players will play on April 6, 2:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. (PT) / 6:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. (KST)
Invited players will be streaming their participation on their own personal streams, so make sure that you’re following your favorite Hearthstone content creators and tune in when they go live!
Twitch Drops will be enabled category wide during the theorycrafting streams, so you can watch whichever Hearthstone stream you’d like to earn up to 2 Festival of Legends Packs! Just make sure you link your Twitch and Battle.net accounts for your watch time to award drops. In addition to category-wide Twitch Drops, players participating in the theorycrafting event have been given Pre-Purchase Mega Bundle codes to give away to their respective audiences during the theorycrafting event!
Festival of Legends Live – April 6-7
You, too, can get your ticket to the show with the Festival of Legends Live on Twitch! Each of the 11 classes is performing an animated musical set in their genre. Use interactive voting to cheer your favorite act in a bracket-style tournament, until just one class/genre remains!
Watch on the official Hearthstone Twitch channel, on April 6 and April 7, from 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (PT) each day.
Twitch Drops will be enabled for this stream, allowing you to earn 1 Festival of Legends Pack for watching! Make sure you link your Twitch and Battle.net accounts for your watch time to award drops. In addition to Twitch Drops, 120 Mega Bundle Pre-Purchase codes will be given away across both days. Stick around and watch the stream to cheer on your favorite act and get your own chance to join in on the festivities!
Pre-Release Weekend – April 7-10
Finally, you’ll be able to open your Pre-Purchase packs early at a private Fireside Gathering before Festival of Legends goes live. Eligible private Pre-Release Fireside Gatherings can take place between Friday, April 7, 10:00 a.m. (PT) and Monday, April 10, at 10:00 a.m. (PT).
Head over to FiresideGatherings.com to register your private event!
The ability to create public in-person events is still disabled at this time.
Private Fireside Gatherings will:
- Be eligible to receive Nemsy Necrofizzle if they fulfill all hosting prerequisites. This means having an established Tavern. Learn more about establishing your Tavern here.
- Be eligible for the Fireside Gatherings card back.
- Allow event listing creation the same day as the event is meant to be hosted.
- Have the same Fireside Brawls as public Fireside Gatherings.
- Be visible on the website only to the Innkeeper hosting it. The Fireside Gathering itself will be visible in the game client and participants will be able to search for it and find it in the client as well.
Private Fireside Gatherings will NOT:
- Be visible on Tavern or upcoming event pages.
- Show up in the search function on the upcoming events page.
- Count towards any Tavern or Innkeeper progression. They will not count towards establishing your Tavern. You will still need to host public events in the future as part of establishing your Tavern.
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