English info
喜歡爐石的玩家有福了!想先一睹「《爐石戰記》台中大賽」嗎?台灣暴雪直播頻道將於 7 月 15 、 16 日為喜愛爐石的你轉播「《爐石戰記》台中大賽」32強、16強淘汰賽!周末晚上,精彩的爐石大賽正等著你!
《爐石戰記》全球巡迴賽自日本接棒到台中,再次以無排名限制的方式,開放全球 256 位參賽名額一同爭奪 19,000美元的高額總獎金!爐石玩家還在等什麼?
「《爐石戰記》台中大賽」於 6 月 21 日起至 7 月 10 日晚間八點前開放報名,採用先搶先贏制。獲得參賽資格的選手,將在 7 月 14 日至 7 月 16 日線上出賽,採單敗淘汰賽制。未來也將提供直播、讓線上觀眾一同體驗精彩賽事。而晉級八強的選手將在 8 月 4 日至 8 月 5 日於台中現場對決。經歷兩天體力與精神力的賽事洗禮,成為總冠軍的玩家就能獨得超吸睛的 10,000 美金與 15 分全球巡迴賽積分!
- 6 月 21 日起至 7 月 10 日 20:00 前於報名(報名已截止)
- 標準模式、亞服
- 7 月 14 日 19:00 舉辦 256 強淘汰賽(選手完整牌組)
- 7 月 15 日 19:00 舉辦 32 強淘汰賽 (線上直播)
- 7 月 16 日 19:00 舉辦 16 強淘汰賽 (線上直播)
- 以上賽制均以單敗淘汰賽、五戰三勝征服制舉行(挑 4 禁 1),選手必須在 7 月 8 日晚間 20:00 前交付牌組
- 8 月 4 日 19:00 4 強淘汰賽
- 8 月 5 日 17:00 準決賽、決賽
- 季後賽與準決賽以單敗淘汰賽、五戰三勝征服制舉行(選 5 禁 1)
- 決賽將以七戰四勝征服制舉行(挑選5 名英雄、禁用 1 名英雄)
- 季後賽選手必須在 8 月 1 日晚間20:00 前交付牌組
- 選手八強牌組:連結表單
- 冠軍: 10,000 USD、15分積分
- 亞軍: 3,000 USD、12分積分
- 季軍: 2,000 USD、8分積分
- 殿軍: 2,000 USD、8分積分
- 5-8名:500 USD、4分積分
- 9-16名:2分積分
- 7 月 15 日 32 強淘汰賽於 19:00 線上直播
- 7 月 16 日 16 強淘汰賽於 19:00 線上直播
- 8 月 4 日 4 強淘汰賽於 19:00 線上直播
- 8 月 5 日 決賽於 17:00 線上直播
想線上觀賽的朋友,請鎖定《爐石戰記》官方頻道及Blizzard Estadium粉絲團!
HEARTHSTONE® Taichung Major is coming!
Good news! Blizzard Taiwan Live Stream Channel will be streaming Hearthstone 32 elimination and 16 elimination matches live on July 15th and 16th. Please tune in for more Hearthstone excitements!
Have you ever dreamt to compete in a Hearthstone Major but missed the opportunity? Now it is your moment to shine, because Hearthstone Major is coming to Taichung, Taiwan! Taichung is the third largest city in Taiwan with 3 million residents, and it is known for arts and culture, breathtaking scenery, and some of the best food in Taiwan. Best of all? The one and only 14 feet, 4,000 pound bronze Arthas Statue is in Taichung! We are welcoming Hearthstone players from all around the world to Taichung to compete for the grand title of Major Champion, with a total prize pool of US$19,000. No matter if you are a pro-player or a casual player, we are open for 256 players to enter Taichung Major. Sign up form will be released June 21st @ 12:00 GMT+8. Please tune in to this blog for more information.
The online preliminary stage will be held on July 14th - 16th, and the Taichung finals will be broadcasting live on August 4th - 5th. The Major Champion will get 10,000 USD as grand prize in addition to 15 Hearthstone HCT points.
Sign-ups will start on June 21st @ 12:00 GMT+8 to July 10th @ 20:00 GMT+8 or until 256 players are registered (Registration is closed)
We will be releasing sign up information very soon. Please tune in to our official blog for more information.
Dates & Format (Online)
- Standard Format on Asia Server
- Round of 256: July 14th @ 19:00 GMT +8 (Decklist)
- Round of 32: July 15th @ 19:00 GMT +8 Watch it Live
- Round of 16: July 16th @ 19:00 GMT +8 Watch it Live
- Format: BO5 Conquest mode, Single Elimination, 4 Decks 1 Ban
- Players must submit deck list no later than July 8th @ 20:00 GMT +8
Dates & Format (Offline)
- Quarterfinal: August 4th @ 19:00 GMT +8
- Semifinal & Final: August 5th @ 17:00 GMT +8
- Quarterfinal and semifinal will be Single Elimination with Best of 5 Conquest ( 5 Decks / 1 Ban)
- Final will be Best of 7 Conquest ( 5 Decks / 1 Ban)
- All Quarterfinal players must submit deck list no later than August 1st 20:00 GMT +8
Prizes and Points
- 1st Place: 10,000 USD and 15 points
- 2nd Place: 3,000 USD and 12 points
- 3rd Place: 2,000 USD and 8 points
- 4th Place: 2,000 USD and 8 points
- 5th – 8th Places: 500 USD and 4 points
- 9th – 16th Places: 2 points
We will be providing online match broadcasting schedule very soon. Please tune in to this blog for more information.
- July 15th @GMT+8:00 19:00 on Blizzard Entertainment Live Channel
- July 16th @GMT+8:00 19:00 on Blizzard Entertainment Live Channel
- August 4th @GMT+8:00 19:00 on Blizzard Entertainment Live Channel
- August 5th @GMT+8:00 17:00 on Blizzard Entertainment Live Channel
Please tune in to Blizzard Estadium fan page for more information.