The final rankings from Ranked Play Season 12: Raging Ragnaros for the European region are in! These players have gone the extra mile and worked their way up the current ladder system to become some of the top ranked Hearthstone players.
The players listed below have each earned points towards the Hearthstone World Championship later this year.
Pull up a chair and join us in recognizing the top ranked Hearthstone players in the European region!
Battle Tag | Rank |
RENMEN | 1 |
Mryagut | 2 |
Damnery | 3 |
Naiman | 4 |
kolemoen | 5 |
Rdu | 6 |
ThijsNL | 7 |
ikealyou | 8 |
Omichik | 9 |
Pavel | 10 |
Marvion | 11 |
Houyon | 12 |
Xixo | 13 |
deadfair | 14 |
Yogg | 15 |
Legendaren | 16 |
pokrovac | 17 |
Crane333 | 18 |
Maverick | 19 |
Frait | 20 |
Ogiez | 21 |
Ignite | 22 |
Mumpitz1991 | 23 |
Heuran | 24 |
Beherit | 25 |
Lucky | 26 |
Jobeland | 27 |
crispy | 28 |
oliech | 29 |
MartyMcFly | 30 |
Kno | 31 |
afabi93 | 32 |
Dreamore667 | 33 |
FaKe | 34 |
Orange | 35 |
Pok | 36 |
stafu | 37 |
HalF | 38 |
Skylink | 39 |
Alesh | 40 |
BestiaLéthal | 41 |
Tyroz | 42 |
MrArmageddon | 43 |
younTheory | 44 |
thefishou | 45 |
Lolopass | 46 |
DjChucky | 47 |
Borostiliont | 48 |
TheFallen | 49 |
HyugaHiei | 50 |
CheckPlease | 51 |
AKAWonder | 52 |
anniuusivirt | 53 |
INDIGO | 54 |
Kjeks | 55 |
Haevion | 56 |
oGenMathers | 57 |
tomof | 58 |
ryo | 59 |
PokeherFace | 60 |
Foose | 61 |
RoliaS | 62 |
park | 63 |
JuanpeSpain | 64 |
Ziggy | 65 |
MrBlack | 66 |
Felkeine | 67 |
Gaara | 68 |
Kufdon | 69 |
MST87 | 70 |
MooDy | 71 |
TheDutchOne | 72 |
Bjergsen | 73 |
KisaGoesMeow | 74 |
Promil | 75 |
KingOscarV | 76 |
OutlawCot | 77 |
Cogito | 78 |
Melane | 79 |
Namcor | 80 |
Ecta | 81 |
Kostuzio | 82 |
xKappa | 83 |
Desis | 84 |
Soul | 85 |
liowka | 86 |
Wingedangel | 87 |
Vert | 88 |
Balanor | 90 |
Sneeze | 91 |
Phrixius | 92 |
Touretto | 93 |
Foufouman | 94 |
Bezikki | 95 |
WaRHaMeR | 96 |
Joojz | 97 |
MaynardTcoX | 98 |
Blackout | 99 |
Schieeeef | 100 |