If you answered “Yes!” or cackled maniacally in response to any of these questions, then YOU’VE got what it takes to join Dr. Boom’s team of brilliant scientists working on Hearthstone’s newest expansion: The Boomsday Project!
Read on to discover more about The Boomsday Project and the amazing opportunities that await YOU on campus when you join the Boom Labs team.
Our Founder
Operating out of Boom Labs—a secret world-class facility located in the beautiful, purple-lightning wracked floating islands of Netherstorm near Area 52—the Boomsday Project is the brainchild of the renowned Dr. Boom. Once a researcher at Area 52, Dr. Boom struck out alone and became a rising star in the fields of Mech design and rapid catastrophic disassembly.
Dr. Boom is at the top of his field, and the time is ripe to tackle new challenges. Enter The Boomsday Project, a multi-disciplinary research endeavor that’s sure to change the world—forever! Somehow. His team is still working out the details. . . .
The Boomsday Project is an electrifying expansion for Hearthstone featuring 135 all-new cards coming August 7!
For a limited time after Boomsday arrives, log in to claim 3 card packs and a random Class Legendary minion (or Hero card)—both from the new expansion—for free!
Weird Scientists
When you accept a position at Boom Labs, you’re joining a team of the finest minds in cutting-edge SCIENCE! You’ll meet our wonderfully weird head scientists—technicians, engineers, biologists, theoreticians, and more—in the form of Legendary cards representing all nine Classes, including the esteemed Dr. Boom himself!
With the brilliance of these boffins at your beck and call, a break-through on The Boomsday Project is sure to follow!
Magic & Technology
Each of our head scientists specializes in a different S.T.E.M.* field, and Boom Labs is proud to unveil their most exciting innovation yet: Legendary spells! Every researcher has conceived of a Legendary spell suited to their unique talents—that’s one astounding new spell for each of the nine Classes.
With the unparalleled power of these Legendary spells at your fingertips, the Boomsday Project will be finished in no time—whatever it is!
Talent & Imagination
Science isn’t always about sleepless nights spent working in crazed solitude on highly questionable experiments. Occasionally, you’ll welcome unwilling participants to assist in your methodical madness! At Boom Labs, we know that two heads are better than one, and that sometimes, they’re on the same body!
There are new Project spell cards in several disciplines that benefit both you and your opponent. There’s still only room for one winner, though, so you’ll need to carefully measure your decisions.
Bits & Pieces
There’s no drudgery at Boom Labs! Need to handle volatile and mind-bogglingly dangerous experimental substances? Tired of carrying around your own nether-radioactive Omega fuel? Want to warm up your coffee in that magma chamber? Boom Labs’ army of Mech servants is your answer to every problem that requires a disposable solution! Their specialized arcano-electro-cerebrums allow them to think, feel, and do the drudge work, so you don’t have to**.
There’s no job too big or too dangerous for these mechanical marvels! Dr. Boom designed them with the new Magnetic keyword so they can snap together to tackle tougher tasks!
Simply place your Magnetic Mech to the left of a Mech you’ve already got on the board . . . and ZAP—they’ll combine ALL their stats and card text into a bigger, more powerful minion! Need them to stay independent? No problem. Just place your Mech down to the right of an existing Mech, and they’ll stay un-plugged to handle smaller tasks.
Shooting from the Hip
To ensure that no troublesome regulators or meddling do-gooders interfere with your work on The Boomsday Project, Dr. Boom has assigned Omega team to the defense of Boom Labs. This elite hench-unit has rapid response capabilities, but they’re at their best when their custom-designed Omega generators are at max capacity with 10 mana crystals fully charged!

Behind Bolted Doors
A LOT of SCIENCE happens at Boom Labs, and that means that there are dozens and dozens of unfinished or abandoned experiments hidden away in the complex. It’s a golden opportunity for a certain clever someone to figure out what the heck went wrong! Can you unravel their mysteries without exploding, dissolving, or becoming irrevocably poultry-ized forever?
When you experience The Boomsday Project’s free single-player content, The Puzzle Lab, you’ll discover that science is fun! And dangerous! Not necessarily in that order!
You’ll need to get your security clearance before you can gain access to these secrets, though. The Puzzle Lab will become available starting August 21.
Pre-purchase to Become Part of the Project Now!
Mega Bundle
This bundle includes 80 The Boomsday Project card packs, 1 random golden The Boomsday Project legendary card, the Mecha-Jaraxxus card back, AND a new Warlock Hero to add to your collection: MECHA-JARAXXUS, EREDAR LORD OF THE MEGA BUNDLE!
Especially eager applicants can get both The Boomsday Project pre-purchase AND the Mega Bundle, though each is only purchasable once per account. You can use your new card back and warlock Hero right away, but you’ll have to wait to dissect your packs and determine which golden Legendary (or Legendaries!) awaits you after The Boomsday Project commences August 7.
Rewarding Research!
Embrace the power of technology in your Boomsday Project research! Visit TheBoomsdayProject.com and the official Facebook gallery to see all the cards that have been published for peer review. Confer with your colleagues on Twitter using the #Boomsday hashtag, and review project-related videos on YouTube.
The Boomsday Project card reveal livestream will begin at 10:00 am PDT on July 23 on the official Hearthstone Twitch.tv channel. Press and members of the community will begin revealing cards starting the same day!
Grab your lab coat, slip on some safety goggles, and prepare to harness the power of SCIENCE in The Boomsday Project!
* Sabotage, Trickery, Explosions, and Mayhem
** Guaranteed not to develop free will and destroy all organics!