Early this year, shadows rose and the League of E.V.I.L. set a master plan into motion: a daring theft of the floating city of Dalaran. That plot thickened in the sands and tombs of Uldum, where plagues were unleashed and heroes stood up to the forces of evil. Now, it’s time for this story to reach its conclusion. And it’s time for some dragons.
Descent of Dragons takes the fight between the League of E.V.I.L. and the League of Explorers to the skies above Dragonblight, where the final phase of Rafaam’s arch-villainous plot is underway. As Dalaran continues to streak across the skies of Azeroth, it now carries a sinister payload. Not all Plagues were contained in Uldum, and Rafaam plans to leverage this of bounty of larceny to resurrect a great power.
Galakrond, the progenitor of all dragonkind, may have perished long ago, but this mere roadblock cannot impede Rafaam’s progress. Using the final plague, Rafaam and his League will resurrect Galakrond and unleash an unimaginable level of devastation across Northrend. That is, unless the League of Explorers can come together to conquer their greatest challenge yet.
Descent of Dragons will take flight globally on December 10th, 2019, introducing a new card set, new game mechanics, and a whole lot of dragons.
Introducing: Galakrond
The dragon to end all dragons, Galakrond manifests as five brand-new cards, one each for the Warrior, Warlock, Shaman, Rogue, and Priest classes. Each version of Galakrond comes with a powerful Battlecry and Hero Power. However, the recently awakened Galakrond is still growing in power, and the League of E.V.I.L. has every intention to make that power grow.

New Keyword: Invoke
To help him reach his true, terrifying power, the League of E.V.I.L. classes will take every opportunity to Invoke Galakrond.

Invoke is a new keyword that will empower Galakrond, causing his battlecry to grow in strength to a second and third form. Many more details are contained within our Galakrond overview blog.

Introducing: Sidequests
Heroes and villains alike have long embarked on lengthy Quests to uncover hidden relics and substantial powers, and now the frozen wastes of Northrend bring new opportunities to Mages, Druids, Hunters, and Paladins. Sidequests give you a reward for completing them and can be completed more easily than Quests.

OK, so maybe the Year of the Dragon has been a little light on…dragons. Worry not, as those days are over. Whether you’ve aligned with Explorers or E.V.I.L., each hero class will get its very own Legendary Dragon to reign over ice and sky. It should come as no surprise that dragon cards are big, impactful Legendaries with Battlecries that are sure to turn the fight in your favor.

Also Also: Dragon Breaths
As any self-respecting winged serpent will tell you, a dragon is only as good as its ability to breathe fire, ice, poison, lightning, or any myriad of elemental exhalations. Dragon Breath cards are spells that give you powerful bonuses if you’re holding a dragon.

Purchase one or both of the two pre-purchase bundles available for Descent of Dragons!
Descent of Dragons Mega Bundle
This bundle contains 100 Descent of Dragons card packs, the Deathwing Warrior Hero, the Shattering Card Back, a random Descent of Dragons Golden Legendary card, and early access to the Battlegrounds game mode.
Descent of Dragons Bundle
This bundle contains 60 Descent of Dragons card packs, the Shattering Card Back, a random Descent of Dragons Golden Legendary card, and early access to the Battlegrounds game mode.
Log in to Get Galakrond
A power like Galakrond cannot be contained – log into Hearthstone any time within the first 90 days after the launch of Descent of Dragons and you’ll receive all five Galakrond cards!
BlizzCon Virtual Ticket Legendary: Sathrovarr
All owners of this year’s BlizzCon Virtual Ticket can claim Sathrovarr, a neutral Legendary Demon with a powerful ability to copy a minion. The Virtual Ticket is still available for purchase here and includes all in-game loot and more.

New Solo Adventure Coming Soon
The story doesn’t end with Descent of Dragons – a new solo adventure will be coming in January. The League of E.V.I.L. and the League of Explorers will collide head-to-head for a final showdown unlike anything we’ve seen yet.
Arena Rotation
The Arena is ready to rotate yet again with the launch of Descent of Dragons. The sets that will be available within Arena will now be:

- Basic
- Classic
- Blackrock Mountain
- The Grand Tournament
- One Night in Karazhan
- Knights of the Frozen Throne
- Rastakhan's Rumble
- Descent of Dragons
Pre-Release Fireside Gatherings
Celebrate with friends old and new and open those Descent of Dragons packs early with a pre-release Fireside Gathering event.
You’ll find many more details, including dates and a list of events, on