Hearthstone esports returns this February! As we head into Hearthstone’s 10-year anniversary, we’re refocusing Hearthstone esports to be all about our core esports experience, with three major Standard events throughout the year: two Masters Tour seasonal championships, leading into the 2024 World Championship!
Each Masters Tour will feature 16 top competitors fighting for their share of $50,000 (USD). Then it all culminates in the World Championship, where the year’s best eight players will try to claim their share of the $350,000 (USD) prize pool and eternal glory!
Climb the leaderboard in February and March to earn one of the sixteen coveted Masters Tour: Spring Championships spots. Twelve slots will go to the top four Competitive Points earners in each region and the remaining four slots will go to the top four total points earners who have not yet earned an invitation, regardless of region.
The Masters Tour: Summer Championship will follow the same structure but will pull from the June and July Leaderboards.
The top two finishers from each Masters Tour will earn an invitation to the World Championships at the end of the year. The remaining four slots will reward player consistency throughout the year, going to the top total Competitive Points earners across all of February, March, June, July, October, and November (one slot for the highest earner in each region, plus one slot for the highest point earner who hasn’t yet earned an invite, regardless of region).
We’re excited for another great year of Hearthstone Esports, fostering fierce competition between Standard’s strongest players. See the 2024 Hearthstone Masters Tour Official Rules for eligibility and other important details and keep an eye out for how to watch in the coming months.
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