Get ready to deck the brawls on December 16th, when the Gift Exchange Tavern Brawl arrives! In the all-new Gift Exchange Tavern Brawl, Greatfather Winter will be dropping presents onto the snowy streets of Stormwind. Smash open the presents to get to the surprise inside—a 1-mana card that Discovers a card of your opponent’s class. You’ll get a gift each time you break open your opponent's present . . . or you can be a real grinch and bash open a present on your side of the board to Discover a card of your own class!
Catch the holiday spirit and join in on the upcoming Gift Exchange Tavern Brawl! Win a match, and you’ll receive a pine-scented*, elf-approved Winter Veil Wreath card back to add to your collection.
We hope your holiday is warm and happy, and we’ll see you in the Tavern!
* Not actually pine scented, unless you happen to have a scratch-n-sniff monitor**.
**Scratch-n-sniff monitor not included with this Tavern Brawl.