There are explosions and uproars aplenty in Boom Labs, but it’s about to get a little more chaotic with The Boomsday Project Inn-vitational, the first tournament where The Boomsday Project’s cards will see competitive play.
We previously saw North America and Europe defend the Witchwood. Now, some of Taiwan and South Korea’s finest players are joining the fray to bring you some of the most spectacular decks and plays of the new meta! (And yes, world champion tom60229 is in this brawl, too!)
Players & Talent
The twelve competitors will be split into four teams of three. Competing in The Boomsday Project Inn-vitational are:
North America
![]() Ant |
![]() Alliestrasza |
![]() Trump |
![]() Dane |
![]() J4CKIECHAN |
![]() Thijs |
![]() ahqRoger |
![]() tom60229 |
![]() ahqShaxy |
South Korea
![]() rhdgurwns |
![]() DDaHyoNi |
![]() RenieHouR |
Casting these explosive shenanigans will be Nathan “ThatsAdmirable” Zamora, Dan “Frodan” Chou, and Jace "DrJikininki" Garthright!
While it’s true that too many cooks can spoil the broth, the good employees of Boom Labs theorize that the more scientific hands in an experiment, the better! Instead of each tournament round being played by just one player (as might be the norm of other less...ambitious scientific institutions), The Boomsday Project Inn-vitational will have the different teams take on each best-of-three round together!
However every project undertaken at Boom Labs always needs an assistant (or two, or eight). Each deck in the tournament will have a minimum of 8 cards from The Boomsday Project Inn-vitational.
Keen observers like yourself will also be interested to know that the tournament will be played in Round Robin format, which will allow you to record any and all interactions and/or discrepancies in the tournament.
Any scientist worth their salt will know that thorough experimentation is the order of the day when you want to figure out the best decks for the meta! But in case you happen to be indisposed while we conduct The Boomsday Project Inn-vitational, you’ll be pleased to know that we’ll be sharing all these inventive new decks with you as early as TKTKTK.
Tournament Broadcast
The Boomsday Project Inn-vitational will air on the PlayHearthstone Twitch channel on August 10, 2018, at 9 a.m PDT. Watch the stream below, or head over to our Twitch channel to be part of chat!Check out our Fireside Gatherings celebration campaign if you’ve got a regular Fireside Gathering going or you simply want to celebrate The Boomsday Project’s launch with some friends. Remember that this is also your last chance to pick up The Boomsday Project pack pre-purchase—read on to find out how!
Pre-purchase to Become Part of the Project Now!
Mega Bundle
This bundle includes 80 The Boomsday Project card packs, 1 random Golden The Boomsday Project Legendary card, the Mecha-Jaraxxus card back, AND a new Warlock Hero to add to your collection: MECHA-JARAXXUS, EREDAR LORD OF THE MEGA BUNDLE!
You can get both The Boomsday Project pre-purchase AND the Mega Bundle, though each is only purchasable once per account. You can use your new card back and Warlock Hero right away, but you’ll have to wait to dissect your packs and determine which Golden Legendary (or Legendaries!) awaits you after The Boomsday Project commences August 7.
Visit TheBoomsdayProject.com and the official Facebook gallery to see all the cards that have been published for peer review. Confer with your colleagues on Twitter using the #Boomsday hashtag, and review project-related videos on YouTube.