Arena Leaderboards Update: December 2019 – February 2020

Arena Leaderboards Update: December 2019 – February 2020

It’s been a little while since our last Arena leaderboard update, and we know it’s been missed in the community. Moving forward, we’re planning to publish a bimonthly Arena leaderboard update so you can keep tabs on all the top players.   

Below are the Arena leaderboards for December 11, 2019 – February 26, 2020. Arena rankings reflect players’ best 30 consecutive runs throughout a season. The players featured below have exhibited top-notch deckbuilding skills, in-the-moment decision making, and unyielding dedication to achieve a most noteworthy feat! 

Dynamic ladder rankings are now also available for the Standard and Wild ladders.


Rank Battletag Average Wins
1 Shade 8.4
2 Boozor 8.2
3 m0rph1ing 8.2
4 StormCastle 8.06
5 TC02 8.03
6 ADubs 7.9
7 Save 7.8
8 HappyCamper 7.8
9 Kablooie 7.8
10 Maies 7.73
11 dLM81XoN 7.73
12 Judge 7.7
13 sosu2357 7.6
14 MechMage 7.56
15 Satanslilboy 7.56
16 dreads 7.56
17 Muramasa 7.53
18 Osok2 7.53
19 TImeng 7.53
20 QED 7.5
21 Gilgamesh 7.46
22 Cicci 7.43
23 Happy313 7.43
24 Whiterhino 7.43
25 fainan 7.4
26 Azam 7.4
27 Xenoidian 7.36
28 rapier 7.36
29 Talriel 7.36
30 Keludar 7.36
31 Fratley 7.36
32 DjinnKahn 7.36
33 miasma 7.36
34 savior 7.33
35 scsky080 7.33
36 goodguy 7.33
37 Koffum 7.33
38 Starry 7.3
39 StrangeLeokk 7.26
40 Vector 7.26
41 TeamAmerica 7.23
42 august 7.23
43 Rooftrellen 7.23
44 TheGoldenEel 7.23
45 solano 7.2
46 Gateway 7.2
47 Niko 7.2
48 iDontKnow 7.2
49 Austinmart 7.2
50 itizurei 7.16
51 Maelstrom 7.16
52 Ath 7.16
53 Hobs 7.16
54 MasterBenObi 7.16
55 Vintendo64 7.16
56 Thisisnotme 7.16
57 RedDevil 7.13
58 Calka 7.13
59 dayzm 7.13
60 Monokuma 7.1
61 Nails 7.1
62 ziyun 7.1
63 Enigma 7.1
64 CiaoTony 7.1
65 orange 7.1
66 Ghost 7.06
67 BattleOoze 7.06
68 Cinnamon 7.06
69 ultraninja43 7.06
70 LuJiaxi 7.06
71 3104 7.06
72 StormSpirit 7.03
73 Erika 7.03
74 TduckT 7.03
75 PawnGrabber 7.03
76 Mantis 7.03
77 eian 7
78 paperroller 7
79 Cyberdra 7
80 benk 7
81 Pellenthor 7
82 IVIaxfield 6.96
83 Apm65 6.96
84 nojer5x 6.96
85 LunaRtiC 6.93
86 Stiles 6.93
87 Serpico 6.93
88 MrDubby 6.9
89 Buzzhaha 6.9
90 lazytitanic 6.9
91 MBraids 6.9
92 Vizsla 6.9
93 Cheeeeeeeese 6.9
94 gomomon 6.86
95 Doublea 6.86
96 Most 6.86
97 TnSot 6.86
98 Feldylox 6.86
99 Bilibili 6.83
100 Oldcrazy 6.83
101 RobertJ 6.83
102 Murdoc 6.83
103 Rob 6.83
104 maybe 6.83


106 ZhiJun 6.83
107 RedBeard 6.8
108 nkustc 6.8
109 Undyne 6.8
110 Kasumeat 6.8
111 evilcrumb 6.8
112 Fresh 6.8
113 BurmTKO 6.8
114 Gift 6.8
115 BDBRINGA 6.8
116 Raze 6.8
117 Zefiris 6.76
118 Karmademon 6.76
119 Alucard 6.76
120 sssfc 6.76
121 ShadowDragon 6.76
122 Squill 6.76
123 Onionboy 6.76
124 jakesdabest 6.76
125 MeowAncient 6.76
126 C0ntrolBoy 6.73
127 VTFP666 6.73
128 Xut 6.73
129 Volcan 6.73
130 Terrifictaco 6.73
131 WildPants 6.73
132 ute1234 6.73
133 Tarrot 6.73
134 Pawn 6.73
135 Dalkri 6.7
136 Koushirou 6.7
137 AcesUp 6.7
138 veritas 6.7
139 Lanners 6.7
140 James 6.7
141 LLLLIon 6.7
142 baztakh 6.7
143 Jerry 6.66
144 anameba 6.66
145 LoudBash 6.66
146 BouncyBear 6.66
147 AlwaysLucky 6.66
148 Fourgate 6.66
149 Puff 6.66
150 Lumken 6.66
151 yomizzle 6.66
152 Player 6.66
153 toysoldier 6.66
154 architect 6.66
155 SwagCaillou 6.66
156 Gunnermatic 6.66
157 Malveillant 6.63
158 Kan 6.63


160 MagicMushy 6.63
161 mymonlyfan 6.63
162 Glacials 6.63
163 tanuki 6.63
164 HeyHowdyHey 6.63
165 TirionJenkin 6.63
166 drkb 6.63
167 Veritas 6.63
168 Manslayer 6.63
169 thegwalls 6.6
170 MrBigShot 6.6
171 shararr 6.6
172 YourLovedOne 6.6
173 wahuuuuuf 6.6
174 MrSqueezy 6.6
175 Mknissan 6.6
177 Tyler 6.6
178 MooreRN 6.6
179 MonStar8 6.6
180 Ryan223437 6.6
181 CJJ 6.6
182 IIIII 6.6
183 Kragus 6.6
184 ADWCTA 6.6
185 DROnionHouse 6.6
186 MrVain 6.6
187 PonGemini 6.56
188 DJT 6.56
189 MeowRosicky 6.56
190 wtybill 6.56
191 Wizzle 6.56
192 claytroll 6.56
193 YamzBall 6.56
194 Eugene 6.56
195 Eevuh 6.56
196 tonyphe 6.56
197 Cyncier 6.56
198 PressureDon 6.56
199 Yosumi123 6.53
200 stock 6.53

Check out the Arena leaderboards for Europe and Korea.

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